Orruk Warclans - Gore-gruntas

63,49 €
incl. 19% VAT , plus shipping costs (Standard)
Old price: 67,50 €
Low stock level
Delivery time: 5 - 6 Workdays (DE - int. shipments may differ)

Enormous, foul-tempered porcine beasts of a strength and fury that even orruks respect, gruntas trample down all but the biggest foe, devouring the remains and noisily smashing apart everything in their path – much to the vivid delight of the Ironjawz who bounce gleefully upon their somewhat interestingly-fragranced backs. Gruntas will cheerfully and greedily eat anything, including iron (the result of devouring people wearing it, more often than not.) This undigested metal is harvested by orruks for use as weapons and armour, and called pig-iron. A well-timed charge of Gore-gruntas can easily smash apart an enemy army in a riot of stomping hooves, piercing tusks and unpleasant smells.

This multi-part plastic kit contains all the parts necessary to assemble three orruk Gore-gruntas, savage orruks riding massive, armoured, betusked beasts. The orruks can be armed with pig-iron choppas, or jagged gore-hackas, with an optional Gore-grunta boss featuring his own head, weapon and grunta options. 100 components in total, with three Citadel 90x52mm Oval bases.

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