The Hobbit Tabletop - Hunter Orcs on Fell Wargs

32,99 €
incl. 19% VAT , plus shipping costs (Standard)
Old price: 35,00 €
Restock Expected: Available To Order

Powerfully muscled, with thick matted fur, Fell Wargs would be considered fearsome even before one saw the dark glow in their eyes and realised that they are possessed by a sinister eldritch force.

These Hunter Orc miniatures come in an array of dynamic poses. They sport mainly bald heads with tufts of hair in the centre, lending them a savage appearance. They have muscular torsos with limited armour across thighs and upper bodies. Carrying a range of weaponry, the Hunter Orcs are sitting atop the Wargs, which are sculpted appear on the run. In a variety of poses, the creatures possess a prominent spine, with thick fur covering the front of beast. Each one has a ferocious head, snarling expressions and exposed teeth.

This kit contains 44 components and 6 40mm round bases with which to make 6 Hunter Orcs on Fell Wargs.

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