A Song of Ice & Fire - Baratheon Heroes 3 - Englisch


  • 6 Miniatures
  • 5 Attachments
  • 2 NCUs
  • 12 Tactics Cards

34,99 €
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Lieferzeit: 1 - 2 Werktage (DE - Ausland abweichend)
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House Baratheon’s claim to the Iron Throne is made all the stronger by King Stannis Baratheon being the only king to face the growing threat beyond the Wall. In the field, King Stannis is a juggernaut, rallying his forces to stand against ever-growing odds. Of his loyal retainers Justin Massey, Dale Seaworth, and his squire, Bryen Farring, stand amongst his most skilled commanders. Off the field but of even equal value is his wise counselor Maester Cressen, and even the court fool, Patchface, proves his value to his king with his bizarre but insightful mutterings.


  • 6 Miniatures
  • 5 Attachments
  • 2 NCUs
  • 12 Tactics Cards

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