A Song of Ice & Fire - Free Folk Trappers - Englisch

29,99 €
inkl. 19% USt. , zzgl. Versand (Standard)
Knapper Lagerbestand
Lieferzeit: 1 - 2 Werktage (DE - Ausland abweichend)
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The Free Folk Trappers Unit Box gives Free Folk Commanders a new option for their armies. Lightly armed and armored, the Trappers are well-versed at harrying tactics. Able to deal wounds directly to enemy units via their Hidden Traps order, they can greatly disrupt an opponent’s plans. And being Insignificant, they aren’t worth victory points when destroyed, allowing Free Folk Commanders use them more dangerously, without worrying about giving them up to the enemy. Miniatures are supplied unpainted.

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