Green Stuff World - LEDs ULTRAVIOLET light - 5mm

8,90 €
inkl. 19% USt. , zzgl. Versand (Standard)
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LEDs ULTRAVIOLET light 395nm

Fully Assembled LEDs with plastic wire and resistor for Plug and Play use.
You may Connect these LEDs to any power source between 3V to 18V(3V dim light,12V bright light).
These solid non-flashing LEDs will especially look great with 9-12 Volts of power input.

Resistor: 1.5kΩ,1/4W
Length of the wires: 20cm+20cm
LED Thickness: 5mm
Content: 10 led lights

- Use a lighter for stripping the wires When required. Do not expose too long to fire, or the Entire led will burn.
- Use brass rods or tubes to conduct the electricity.

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