Green Stuff World - Vertical brush holder
Vertical brush holder

12,75 €
inkl. 19% USt. , zzgl. Versand (Standard)
Knapper Lagerbestand
Lieferdatum: 25.02.2025 - 27.02.2025 (DE - Ausland abweichend)
Nur noch 2 verfügbar

Vertical brush holder

Vertical brush holder made of high-quality MDF wood. Multiple modules can be combined horizontally and vertically to increase the organizing space. It is delivered unassembled but is very easy to fix together. We recommend using white glue for a more sturdy finish.

It has a capacity for 94 brushes in a variety of 3 diameters: 7.5mm, 10mm, and 13mm. It can also be used with pencils, pen markers, and almost any other sculpting tool.

Size: 15x28x8.2cm.

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