Green Stuff World - Plasticard - Paving Brick 8x18mm

5,50 €
inkl. 19% USt. , zzgl. Versand (Standard)
Knapper Lagerbestand
Lieferdatum: 25.02.2025 - 27.02.2025 (DE - Ausland abweichend)
Nur noch 2 verfügbar

Embossed styrene plastic sheets can be used to create roofing, flooring, siding, rock, stone, metal plates, and other architectural parts. The sheets are demanded by architectural firms and hobbyists for their accurate, embossed detailing and versatility. Very easy to cut and glue.

Widely used in the modeling world, they can be used to create ceilings, floors, cladding, rock, stone, metal plates, and other architectural pieces.

This set contains 1 Plasticard sheet in color brown
Size: 200x300x0.5mm

Scale: 1:35 - 1:48

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