Green Stuff World - Static Grass Tufts 6 mm - Dry Brown

5,80 €
inkl. 19% USt. , zzgl. Versand (Standard)
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Model grass clumps, also known as grass tufts, are a revolutionary solution for creating detailed and realistic landscapes in your miniature, diorama, and scenery projects. Their self-adhesive design greatly simplifies the decorating process: simply peel off the tufts of grass with precision using tweezers or your fingers, and adhere them to the desired surface.

Although its built-in adhesive ensures a solid initial hold, it is advisable to apply a small amount of additional modeling glue on uneven surfaces to ensure permanent and optimal adhesion.

They have been meticulously designed with premium materials, ensuring a natural, long-lasting look to your creations. Their density and texture provide impressive realism, making them the ideal choice for bringing your designs to life with a touch of authentic nature.

For more realism combine them with our static grass, basing materials, and textured paints.

Fiber Size: 6mm high
Plastic sheet size: 7x14 cm
Content: 75 tufts

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